Thursday, January 6, 2011

Outdoor Photography Classes & Outings

Join Bboss photography instructors both indoors and on the field.

We teach techniques to turn everyday outdoor snapshots into beautiful compositions.

We teach the basics of how to use your camera (both digital and film) and take you to the next level with macro photography, nighttime photography and more!

Navigation Classes & Outings

Learning to navigate with a Map, Compass and GPS device can be challenging.

Let the professional navigation instructors at Bboss help you gain your bearings so you feel confident on your own. Our navigation courses will teach you how to orient a map, use a compass, mark and follow waypoints, and help you see the landscape in new ways.

Hiking & Camping Classes & Outings

Join the Bboss Outdoor School in learning how to make a comfortable home in the outdoors.

We will teach you how to travel, set up a campsite, cook and backpack in some of the country's most beautiful places.

Do you want to get the family outside? We can make it easy with our family specific classes.

Cycling Classes & Outings

Feeling wobbly on two wheels?

Or do you want to hone your biking skills?

Bboss Outdoor School has a full selection of cycling programs to suit your needs. Our road biking courses teach you everything from balancing on the bike to bike commuting.

Our mountain biking courses help you get off the road and onto the trails with a variety of obstacles to suit your level of skill.

We provide bikes and cycling instructors.

Climbing Classes & Outings

Bboss Outdoor School will teach you all the skills you need to know to get up the rock and confidently out climbing.

We have classes that will teach you the basics of :
a. belaying,
b. climbing technique,
c. anchor building,
d. lead climbing and
e. self rescue skills.

We provide all the climbing equipment and trained instructors.

(Food can also be ordered)

Hiking is learned...

Joe, crossing a brook bed

Leave No Man Behind ... 

Kibungan trails are not to be under estimate :-)

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